Shen li machine....

I-Guangdong “Internet +” Expo kanye ne-Guangdong (Foshan) Industry Fair ivalwe ngoSepthemba 26

Ngomhla zingama-26 kuSepthemba 2021, i-2021 China (Guangdong) Expo International “Internet +” Expo (isifinyezo: I-Guangdong “Internet +” Expo) isingathwe yiKomidi Lesifundazwe lase-Guangdong loMkhandlu Wase-China Wokuphromotha Uhwebo Lwamazwe Ngamazwe I-China Guangdong (Foshan) Machinery I-Industrial Equipment Expo (ebizwa ngokuthi i-Guangdong (Foshan) Industry Fair) exhaswe ngokubambisana yi-Manufacturing Industry Association, i-Foshan Machinery Equipment Industry Association, kanye ne-Zhenwei International Convention and Exhibition Group, iphothulwe ngempumelelo e-Foshan Tanzhou International Convention and Exhibition Centre.Lo mcimbi usekelwe kakhulu uHulumeni Wabantu Kamasipala waseFoshan, uMnyango Wezimboni Nobuchwepheshe Bolwazi WesiFundazwe sase-Guangdong, uMnyango Wesayensi Nobuchwepheshe Wesifundazwe sase-Guangdong, I-Guangdong I-Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, kanye neHhovisi LeProvincial Intellectual Property yase-Guangdong.

Lo mbukiso uthathe izinsuku ezine, indawo yombukiso engamamitha-skwele ayi-100,000, ababukeli abangaphezu kwe-1,400, ingqikithi yezivakashi ezingochwepheshe ezicishe zibe ngu-200,000, amaqembu okuthenga angaphezu kuka-500, kanye neseshini yokuthenga imidlalo engaphezu kuka-1,000 phakathi nombukiso.Ngokwezibalo, ikhuthaze ukuthengiselana ngamabomu kwezigidi ezingama-530.Ku-RMB, ababonisi, izivakashi, nabasebenzisi abakhuphuka nomfula kanye nabaphansi embonini bonke bathole imiphumela egculisayo.

Isikhathi sokuthumela: Sep-28-2021