Et pneumatic pick est quaedam manu-tenuit apparatus, in pneumatic colligunt est composito ex distribution mechanism, impulsum mechanism et colligunt virga. Ideo autem requiruntur in pacto structuram, portable. Et pick est quaedam pneumatic tool quod late in metalla industria et constructione industria.
Et pneumatic pick est composito ex distribution mechanism, impulsum mechanism et colligunt virga. Impact mechanism est crassus murum cylindro cum labefactum malleo quod reciprocum per interiorem murum cylindri. Tergo finem Pickaxe inseritur ante finem cylindri.
When the pickaxe works, make the pickaxe stick against the construction surface, the other end goes into the cylinder, push the handle sleeve, compress the spring of the plunger valve and connect the vent path, there are many longitudinal holes around the cylinder wall, the air distribution valve then automatically distributes air, the rear end of the cylinder is equipped with the air distribution valve box. Facere impulsum malleo continuously reciproco et motus, ledo aliquantulus cauda, rumpitur constructione corpore.
Post tempus: Apr-09-2020